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What is yoga to me? A challenge for those who don't think they're flexible enough...

Out of respect for your time and trust, here’s a little bit about me and how I view this transformative ancient practice…

Yoga is not just limited to a mat and it’s certainly not just on a mat in leggings.

It’s wherever you are, as you are. It’s your breath, energy, emotional and physical form. 

The ancient tradition of yoga is an accessible and beneficial practice for every body. It extends beyond the ‘class’ or session. I aim to honour the essence of yoga which means to yoke or join to inspire this sense of union from the inside out. 

Perhaps you’ve always wanted to start but the little voice echoes ‘you’re not flexible enough’ or “add your thing” … enough.

You are already enough. So I invite you to join me as you are, wherever you’re at as I hold a safe and protected space. All of you is welcome.


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